TPOVA 5This game is no longer accepting new players. Sorry!A ISorry, this game has been set up by the sysop (or the League Coordinator (in Inter-BBS games) to only allow up to in the game.?At the current time, the game is full. Please try again later!GSorry, this game shows you as playing on another system in this league.GYou may only play on one BBS in this league. If you would like to play>on this system, you should first Abdicate from the other game. GAME\NEWPLAY.TXT (, What will be the name of your County? Game not joined. Name Your County GYour choice of name is invalid. It must contain a minimum of 3 letters9and/or numbers which are not identical to another player.#A new county has been built by the $Sorry. This game is currently full!U GAME\FE GAME\FE.TXT GAME\FEEND.ANS This Game is Registered To: This game is Unregistered (HRegistration allows for more races, buildings, and spells to choose from Written at Solaria City 1665= U This game hasn't started yet!U Exiting Game - Time used up Current version of FE: v1.03 Game will start Game started on Join Game Enter Game See Scores See Today's News See Yesterday's News Game Bulletins Game Setup Help Database Instructions GAME\BULLETIN.TXT GAME\FEINS.TXTU ( C R Z s $0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Sorry, this is a registered only feature GAME\RACE.HLP Select this race? $Duplicate User Found on another BBS! DATA\DUPES.FEDThis game is set up as an Inter-BBS game. Because of the fact that Ethere is a player on another BBS with your name, you will not be ableDto play in this game. If the other user is not you, please contact Cyour sysop. If you ARE the same user, you must delete one of your Dcounties before you be allowed back into a game. Would you like to delete yourself on this system? =Sorry, due to a lack of land, your county has been dissolved. Please play again tomorrow.?Sorry, due to a lack of people, your county has been dissolved. Take Turn ^\0FPay Maintenance Labor Defense City Improvements Mystic Circle Commerce Foreign Affairs Communications War Room Council Room International Room ^\0FPresidential Court Technology Private Chambers GAME\GAME.HLPU OYou have unemployed people; you may wish to employ them first! >Your Food production this month will be less than consumption.@Your Silver production this month will be less than consumption. Take your next turn? You are playing month # out of months in the year (All maintenance expenses have been paid. A deposit of # silver has been discovered in the minesU &)EJ& Game Started: Months per Year: Protection: months Yearly Land Creation: acres Maximum Players: Basic Wage Rate: Silver Maximum Attacks/Year: Start up settings: Land: Silver: People: Food: Stone: Weapons: Runes: This game is setup in InterBBS mode with boards in the game.$Days before "lost" forces returned: Single BBS mode only.U No OneA Your current vote is for: FWho do you feel should be the President representing our proud nation?U Abdicate Auto-Pay Maintenance See Scores See Today's News See Yesterday's News Game Setup Help Database Instructions Create Macros Vote for President DEnabling this option will automatically pay all maintenance for your?county if possible (assuming your empire is stable) each month. GAME\FEINS.TXTU ( 0 = G V ^ k p u Edit Macro Ctrl- Editing Macro Ctrl- Press CTRL- to end edit. Aborted SavedU < rx<~wt Macro Editor Ctrl- Edit which macro D,E,F,R,I,O,K,L DATA\MACROS.FE DATA\MACROS.FE Attack Topics Diplomacy Topics General Topics Improvements Magic Spells Races Worker Topics GAME\WAR.HLP GAME\TREATY.HLP GAME\GAME.HLP GAME\BUILD.HLP GAME\MAGIC.HLP GAME\RACE.HLP GAME\PEOPLE.HLPU View Rankings View Relations Cast Some Magic Send Trade Deal Send Message Go to War The Almanac Crystal Ball List of Nations Travel Times 1Please wait ... Analyzing global demographics ... =There are not enough countries to make a sufficient analysis.)Current demographics throughout the world Race Counties % of Counties % of NetWorth % of Score % of LandJ # 6 A P X e t | CSorry, we have no recent Wizard's Eye reports from other countries. The Crystal Ball begins to glow.8Select the Country and County you want information on... The crystal ball goes dark.A The county of Race: Population: Resources: % (includes Runes, Weapons, and Stone) Buildings: A Military (at home): This provides Swords for Offense and Shields for Defense.#This information is accurate as of Current Land: Current Networth: Current Score: U 1 @ H ^ n JNOTE: International Diplomacy is *not* official. This is used for you toJ allow the players to learn of your status with other nations. None- of the data in this chart is official. Diplomacy Modification International Relations Attack aborted. Send this Attack?A DATA\ARTOFWAR.DAT List of Outgoing Attacks Nation: County: Leave: Objective: Offense: Swords Yours: 0There are no group attacks waiting at this time.+Sorry... You're under new realm protection. Join which group? You now have a % share in this attack.U +Sorry... You're under new realm protection. You can only send attacks per day. ne County One County Entire NationA -Wait how many Hours before sending (12-120)? )You must select a target for your attack. Attack created to leave in hours. Attack Attack sent.U Individual Attack Start Group Attack Join Group Attack 2 j Single Nation Multiple Nations World-Wide National President *To end selection, hit enter at the prompt. Message sent to Aborted.U &Average Turn Around Times to All BBSes No Data hours daysU <1rj<9wf ^\0FResearch New Spells Mystic Advice Spell Descriptions Help on a Spell Key Name Cost (Runes)@Key Name Cost (Runes) Key Name Cost (Runes) You have ^\0F ^\07 Spells and ^\0F ^\07 Runes. GAME\MAGIC.HLPESorry, your wizards are unable to cast spells while under protection.%Sorry, but you do not have the Runes. Cast the spell? GAME\MAGIC.DAT MAGICCAST The spell has been attempted. MAGICSUCCESS MAGICFIZZLE spell has fizzled. ^\07's ^\03 ^\07 spell against you fizzled. A ^\03'^\07 spell against your county fizzled.U |&&; # 8 G O \ q Known Not Allowed You may research ^\0F ^\07 more spell .0You are not allowed to research this spell book.,You already have researched this spell book.*You may not research any more spell books. GAME\BOOKS.HLP Learn this book of spells? have been researched.U Key Good Price ^\0B*^\0F ^\0F #^\0B*^\07 indicates limited supply. You have ^\0E ^\07 Silver coins. There are for sale at that price. Buy how many have been purchased. ^\03 ^\07 were sold for ^\0B ^\07 Silver. Nothing has been purchased.U &)EJ& Current Market Goods of yours on the marketA You are selling at a price of Silver. There are available at a lower price.) This is the lowest price on the market. Put how many for sale? have been put for sale.&What is the new price for your goods? U " / H O W \ a t { A trade deal has arrived from In return for They offer 1 0Sorry, you cannot accept this deal at this time. What do you wish to do? eject , or gnore for now ccept Accepted Rejected Ignored Trade Deal From: : Data Tampered withU &;U;t &;E9t x F R d o Players at *-LKey Name Race Land Score Net WorthA NO RECONU Choose a County =List List Counties NoneU Enter Nation Name or Number for list List of Nations&## Nation Name LocationJ### Planet Name Loc ### Planet Name LocC### Planet Name ### Planet Name ### Planet Name U That is our nation! Relations: 8Sorry, we don't have any information on that nation yet. Nation not found NoneU =List Send to: ,!o! !/"H" #O#v# $/$N$k$ %.%B%J%V%a%n%}% &+&@&E&J&V&v& DATA\INREL.FEU DATA\INREL.FEU Research Priorities Change Settings? You left % of your capabilities unused.U Declaration of War View Relations Cancel Proposal Treaty Help GAME\TREATY.HLP First, you must make peace with You have offered to be a Protector for proposed to BSome offers may not have been proposed as it would have caused you7to go over the maximum number of treaties of this type. You are already at war with You have declared war on Your proposal to has been cancelled.U proposes to be your proposes a Current Relations: Land Area: ; Score: ; Net Worth: rejected KYou cannot accept this treaty, as it would give either you or your partner too many of this treaty type. !otify that you could not accept, eject, or gnore for now ccept, Accepted Notified Rejected Ignored accepted# was ^\0Bunable^\07 to accept your proposal. your offer to be a your declared on your realm.U -* Relations *-?Id Name Relations ProposingA + 3 B W f n y ~ 2 : ? D Z d i GKey Type Employed Skill Key Type Employed Skill Unemployed U Send into Exile ,Note: You may only exile unemployed workers.9How many workers do you wish to remove from your county? You have sent workers outside your borders. Release how many been fired.U &)EN& &)MN& Fire Workers Labor Advice Worker List Silver: ^\0E ^\07; Worker Wage: ^\0E ^\07 silver; Total Wages: ^\0E ^\07 silver. GAME\PEOPLE.HLP Hire how many been hired.U &+EN& &)EN& & 5 : L [ ` r ^\04worsen dramatically ^\0Cworsen notably ^\06worsen moderately ^\0Eworsen slightly ^\0Fstay constant ^\0Aimprove slightly ^\03improve moderately ^\09improve notably ^\0Bimprove dramatically ^\07U State of the County of founded by in month # Housing Land: Acres Total People: Unemployed: Density: people per acre Approval: Silver: Food: Stone Blocks: Weapon Stores: Runes: A Military: Quality Rating: Total Offense: Swords Total Defense: Shields Your approval is expected to The county has ! months of protected status left. There are months per year.U &;ED|t AReport from the Agriculture Department - Estimated Monthly Report Current Food Stores: bushels Food Production: Total Food Stores: People Consumption: Military Consumption: Consumption: This gives us a final supply of bushels, a net gain of bushels. a net loss of This gives us a shortage of U 8Report from the Budget Office - Estimated Monthly Budget Current Treasury: Silver Production: Total Treasury: Land Maintenance: Improvement Maintenance: Worker Wages: Military Expenses: Inventory Costs: Expenses: This gives us a final supply of silver, a net gain of a net loss of This gives us a shortage of silver.U Report from the Mystic Square magical barrier protects our county for month&Our magic failures have been rendered invisible for Our spellcasting potential is greater for Aura of Majesty surrounds our county for Storms$ will ravish our lands for the next Black Wind - will blow throughout our lands for the next Curse" has been placed on our lands for Cloud of Paralysis& will remain over our territories for U Silver Stone Blocks Weapons RunesU Report from the Labor Department Worker Amt Productivity Per Worker Total U "Report from the Science DepartmentA Our silver production is at % of normal levels. military forces are at % strength. food/ production techniques increased efficiency to maintenance costs have been reduced to % of standard costs. Magic potential Construction ability U Improvement ReportA 'I'`'r'w' ($(.(=(E(P(g(y(~( )+)5)D)L)W)n) *!*2*<*K*S*^*u* +6+<+D+d+j+r+ +G,j, .+.:.B.O.^.f.s. /M/U/n/ 0$070F0N0Y0^0c0z0 1!1)181F1L1Q1d1s1{1 2&252=2P2^2c2h2~2 4 4/4R4a4i4v4 5+5:5B5O5^5f5s5 6(676?6L6[6c6r6{6 7%747<7K7T7Y7j7r7|7 8*83888C8K8U8d8l8y8~8 9$9.9=9E9R9W9\9i9n9x9}91:I:Q:^:c:h:u: ;%;-;2;7;F;^;c; <,<;8>M>X>g>y> ?#?(?C?K?Y?d?i?n? @'@,@1@;@@@S@`@ A+A3A@AEAJATAYAkApAuA B"B'B;BCBQB\BaBfBuB C(C3C8C=CQCVC`CeCjC D#D(D:DIDND`DoDtD E-E2EFEKEWEpE fffffff *You must first declare war on that county. Attack cancelled.` 5As the battle comes to a close, your forces come out victorious defeat You lost +Your army was called on to help defend ^\0B ^\07 against ^\0F ^\07. You killed a total of many ^\0Bresources^\07 ^\0F> ^\07 attacked your county and ^\0Cdefeated^\07 your defenses. ^\07 acres of land They captured ^\0E ^\07 acres of land. You have captured acres of new land! ^\07 people ^\07 of our workers. new workers for your lands! *Food *Silver Stone Block Weapon You captured They captured , ^\0Bfailed^\07 in an attack on your county.U &)EJ& 8You are not allowed to wage war until out of protection.&Your military cannot handle more than attacks per year. attack per month.U ( - 2 A Q c u DATA\REPORTS\REPORT.FE &;U;t &;E9t DATA\MSGS.DATU DATA\MSGS.DAT DATA\TEMP.FEA Message From: The Game Itself >>Unknown<< Message To : ALL President elete gnore , or Reply Delete Ignore Quit Reading @$Sorry, message is from the Computer. ublic Reply, uthor only, or elect Destinations? ublic Reply or uthor only? Public Reply Author Only Select Empires Quote Message? First Line to Quote: Last Line to Quote: ^\03Quote From ^\0B ^\06Quote From ^\0E ^\06 Of ^\0E &;U;u &;E9tY *+I+S+X+~+ ,%,,,8,=,G,R,\,a,q,v, -!-&-+-G-O-\-k-s- .$.3.;.H.M.R.W.v.~. /#/+/8/=/B/Z/ 0&0?0N0n0 1$1)1E1M1Z1i1q1~1 2'262>2K2P2U2Z2v2~2 3"3>3F3S3b3j3w3|3 4'404S4q4~4 71797F7U7]7j7o7t7 8'84898>8C8^8f8s8 9'9/9<9K9S9`9e9j9 : :%:9:A:N:]:e:r:w:|: ;-;5;B;G;L;Y;m;u; GAME\EVENTS.DAT You find in your garden!IThe fairies have restored all of your spell casting ability for the year! Fairies have visited ^\0F ^\07!U >Scanning for duplicate users - could take a bit. Please wait. Duplicate User Found on BBS # : , Player U DATA\DUPES.FE#List of Duplicate Users on this BBS#-----------------------------------A >Scanning for duplicate users - could take a bit. Please wait. Player duplicate found: Player on BBS # &Error: Could not Delete Inbound File: U Illegal Global Reset Attempted +Processed Corrupted/Unknown Packet - Size: Name: Global_Reset Truncated File - Ignoring Duplicate File - Ignoring Incomplete File - Ignoring CRC Invalid - Size: Name: \FENODES. FENODES.DAT ' Processing Incoming Data from Node . Removing Inbound Data from Unknown Node: U ) K U d u } Spell ^\07 of ^\03 ^\07 attempted a ^\0B ^\07 spell against you. A ^\0B-^\07 against you from another nation fizzled. Spell ResultU A spell cast at ^\0F ^\07 could not find a target. "^\07 found a target in protection.A Your ^\0B ^\07 spell to ^\0F ^\07 of ^\03 ^\07 fizzled.U '^\08 ^\07Results of spell against ^\0B ^\07 of ^\03 3Your county is now surrounded by a magical barrier.A An eye has spied your realm!+You feel a powerful aura over your lands... ^\03# ^\07people were killed by disease!0 ^\07people were magically taken from the realm!* ^\07people were captured from your enemy!. ^\07silver has disappeared from the treasury! ^\07silver has been captured! ^\07runes have exploded! ^\07runes were destroyed! Your wizards have created food!3Your people feel more confident in your leadership!0You managed to spread fear throughout the lands!+Fear has spread throughout the countryside! ?.Your mages can now work in complete secrecy... Your storms ravish their lands!"Storms are ravishing the lands... IYour military forces feel stronger and more lively than just minutes ago!"Your curse sits upon their empire!-A curse has been placed on the entire empire!6You have increased the strength of your spell casting!;You have placed a paralyzing cloud atop your enemy's lands!?A magically paralyzing cloud sits in the skies atop our county!8A black wind swirls throughout your enemy's countryside!-Black winds are blowing throughout the lands!5You have destroyed virtually their entire food store!3Our entire food store has been virtually destroyed! ?' ^\07silver suddenly flamed into ashes!? ^\07 pieces of your enemy's silver suddenly flamed into ashes! ?9A deadly earthquake has shaken our lands, destroying ^\03 ^\0F acres of land! Your ^\0F ^\07 was destroyed. + I V r removed.U DATA\REPORTS DATA\ OUTBOUND\ Global_Reset Global_Reset Config_Update /This is an option for League Coordinators only.U Invalid Configuration Update # found and ignored.: Likely FE-Config Check Error - Resetting Checking SystemU UNKNOWN ID #U DATA\LPKT.FE DATA\LPKT.FE LASTPKT.TXTDThis file lists the last date your BBS processed a packet from everyEother BBS. Note that you will never process packets from BBSes which are routing through others./BBS # Name Last Date> No packet received(Packet information stored in LASTPKT.TXTU : ? D c k p u DATA\SPYINDEX.FEU DATA\SPYINDEX.FEU DATA\SPY.FEA DATA\SPY.FE DATA\SPY.FE Spy Report Wizard Eye Report of ^\0B ^\03 (^\0B ^\03)^\07. ^\07People = ^\0F ^\07 Buildings = ^\0F5 ^\07Total Resources (Runes, Weapons, Stone) = ^\0F ^\07A = ^\0FI This valuable information has been stored in the ^\0ACrystal Ball^\07.U ( . Message DATA\MSGS.DATU Problem_Data CRC-Error found on BBS # FileName: Came From: Packet Type: From: To: Error Occurred between BBSes # and BBS #U DATA\PLAYERS.FE DATA\PLAYERS.FE This is only for InterBBS Games.This option is only for the League Coordinator PLAYERS.LST Player : $Player Listing output to PLAYERS.LSTU NewsU ReportU DATA\RECONS.FEU DATA\RECONS.FEU Recon_RequestU Recon_Update v1.03U BBSINFO.LSTI### BBS Name Last Recon FE Version ) No Recons Recieved!Information output to BBSINFO.LSTU ERROR: Could not restore file DATA\GAME.DAT4Gamefiles could not be opened: Please run FE RESET. DATA\ARTOFWAR.DAT DATA\SCANWAR.DATDERROR: Computer Clock has been tampered with. Please notify sysop.U !Attempted to close unopened game. DATA\GAME.TMP DATA\ARTOFWAR.DAT DATA\SCANWAR.DAT DATA\GAME.DAT DATA\GAME.OLD BACKUP\GAME.DATU O j o DATA\ARTOFWAR.DAT DATA\ARTOFWAR.DAT Attack Bad CRC: Outbound Attack deleted)Outbound Attack Check Not Valid - Bad CRCU DATA\ARTOFWAR.DAT DATA\TEMP.FEU DATA\SCANWAR.DAT DATA\SCANWAR.DAT DATA\SCANWAR.DAT DATA\SCANWAR.DAT DATA\TEMP.FE DATA\SCANWAR.DAT (Missing-In-Transit Attack Found to BBS # - Returning ForcesU ) 4 fffffff Attack Error: CRC Invalid1ERROR: Duplicate enemy attack received from BBS # The country of ! has attacked our entire country! has attacked you! from have attacked us! Your forces ^\0Clost^\07 the battle! ^\0Bwon^\07 the battle! You lost They captured ^\0E ^\07 acres of land. ^\07 of our workers. *Food *Silver Stone Block Weapon They captured ..Your forces were called on to help defend ^\0B ^\07. many ^\0Fresources^\07 ^\07 acres of land ^\07 people Attack ResultU &)EJ& ,L,m,|, -#-Q-_-|- . .%.5.C.c.y.~. /-/N/V/v/ 070M0R0b0p0 1+1A1F1V1d1 262L2Q2a2o2 3&313H3w3 DATA\REPORTS\REPORT.FE DATA\REPORTS DATA\REPORTS\REPORT.FEU DATA\IDS.DAT DATA\TEMP.DAT DATA\IDS.DAT DATA\TEMP.DAT INUSE.FLGU INUSE.FLG ?>Sorry, someone is currently playing this game on another node. Exiting to BBSCIf this is a single-node BBS or if the game is NOT running anywhere=Else, please tell your Sysop to delete INUSE.FLG. Thank you.HIf this file exists, then this game thinks that it is running somewhere.3(On another node) If not, please delete this file!U DATA\TIMES.FEU DATA\TIMES.FEU Time_CheckU Time_Check .Reinitializing InterBBS Data File PLANET.FE... DATA\PLANET.FE DATA\PLANET.FE ERROR: could not be opened.'Fatal error: DATA\PLANET.FE open error.U DATA\FE.LOC DATA\FE.NEWU BULLETIN\SCORES.TXT BULLETIN\SCORES.ANS BULLETIN\TDYNEWS.TXT BULLETIN\YESTNEWS.TXT BULLETIN\TDYNEWS.ANS BULLETIN\YESTNEWS.ANS BULLETIN\BBSScore BULLETIN\BBSWorth BULLETIN\BBSLand BULLETIN\BBSWLand BULLETIN\PLYScore BULLETIN\PLYWorth BULLETIN\PLYLand BULLETIN\PLYWLand ANSISCORES ASCIISCORES TODAYNEWSASCII YESTERDAYNEWSASCII TODAYNEWSANSI YESTERDAYNEWSANSI TIMINGCHECK DELETIONDAYS RECONUPDATE OLDESTRECON PURGENETMAIL BBSScore BBSWorth BBSLand BBSWorthLand PlayerScore PlayerWorth PlayerLand PlayerWorthLand ANSIExtension ASCIIExtension TopScoresAmtU ^ENDU ^ENDU FEREG.DATU FEREG.DATU COORD.KEY COORD.KEY Compress: Old: Size: %: DeCompress: Old: New: Compressed: Decompressed: %: Original: Compressed: U $ 8 ? G ` g ~ View RESULTS.TXT for analysisU F----------------------------------------------------------------------U F----------------------------------------------------------------------U Basic Setup LOCAL5Game is running in LOCAL Only (No Modem Support) Mode LOCKEDBAUD You have a Locked Baud Rate of FOSSILAYou are running this game through a fossil driver (if it exists).IThe game is set to use it's own internal COM routines rather than Fossil. Your multitasking environment: Microsoft Windows Desqview GNOTE: If you are experiencing sluggish keyboard response or a generallyD slow game, try adding "Multitasker none" to your RESOURCE.DAT.U Last Player Information DOORFILE.SR RESULTS.TXTFIf anything is incorrect, there is a problem in the setup of the game.JTry running INSTALL again, possibly selecting a different doorfile option.U Routing Setup:Unless otherwise specified, all BBS's are routed directly. Data for BBS # goes to BBS #U ?Our test shows that you are not a member of an InterBBS League. Is this correct? No InterBBS/This game is not involved in a InterBBS League. InterBBS Setup Problems Your BBS Node Number: List of Known BBSes: 6Your BBS Node Number does not match any in the league. InterBBS Setup You are involved in League # $Your Outbound Netmail Directory is "!Your Inbound Files Directory is " Error Frontdoor Intermail DBridge DBridge Old Binkley Other No Mailer Your mailer setting is "U RESULTS.TXTU - 2 7 L %WARNING: Illegal routing setup: BBS # does not exist.U ROUTE.CFG ROUTE Illegal routing line found: CRASH NORMALU DATA\ROUTES.DATU DATA\ROUTES.DAT Failed Build of Route List File DATA\ROUTES.DAT Failed Build of Route List File )This option is only for Coordinator BBSes ROUTES.LST ROUTES.BAD'File containing all route information: 'File containing bad route information: Routing Paths of BBS # ------------------------- Information missing for BBS # To BBS # "Routing Circle Detected from BBS # to BBS # *** Routing Circle Found Illegal Route Found from BBS # *** Illegal Route FoundU ( @ P _ j y Opening file : unable to rewrite, Error # Erasing file : Error # Renaming file : Error # Reading file : Error # reading record #U Writing file : Error # writing record #U Seeking file : attempted seek to U I N U ] PROBLEMS.LOG \*.MSGU .TXTU $PAUSE Continue? ( DOORFILE.SR+Can't find DOORFILE.SR. Please run SRDOOR. LOCKBAUDRATE LOCKEDBAUD /LOCKED=U FOSSIL FALSE BIOSU